Qu'est-ce qu'un Korung
The Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde (SV) is the parent club for the breed, and has responsibility for it and its standard, which is acknowledged by the German VDH and international FCI Kennel Clubs.
The Korordnung (breed survey regulations) of the SV serve the advancement of the controlled breeding of the German Shepherd Dog breed in both varieties: Stockhaar (straight haired, medium length topcoat) and the Langstockhaar (longer topcoat but likewise with undercoat). These regulations include the overall breed survey. They are a permanent part of the SV rules, and obligatory for all members.
The purpose of the Körordnung is to select from the breed registry a number of dogs which in their character, performance and anatomical construction appear to be suitable for the conservation and improvement of the breed.
The breed survey (Körung) process is the supreme qualification process; that is, the method by which the dogs are selected to carry on the breed.
Breed surveys select dogs that correspond to the ideal picture in the following respects:
in size, weight, and build according to the standard with only minor anatomical limitations
in character; that is, self -assured and good natured. And in the areas of drive, desire, self confidence and ability to handle stress, earn the rating of "pronounced" or "present" (ausgeprägt or vorhanden)
wither height no more than 1cm oversized or undersized
having flawless, complete dentures, double first premolars are permissible, as is the absence of up to two first premolars, or one first premolar plus an incissor, or one second premolar, or a slight pincer bite of the two middle incissors (two in the upper jaw meeting the two in the lower that way).
Requirements for participation at a Körung
For the dogs
The Körung is appropriate only for the German Shepherd Dogs registered in the breed book of the SV, and have coats classified as Stockhaar or Langstockhaar mit Unterwolle. (Normal coat and Long coat with undercoat)
In the year of the Korung they must be at least 2 years old.
Proof of at least 80 points in section C OF IP1 Prufung (trial performance) under a SV Leistungrichter (performance judge), or earned in a herding trial under a SV HGH judge, or in a RH-2 Rettungshund advanced test (search and recue dog). All of these wiil include a courage and protection phase.
Proof of an AD examination under a SV judge​
A stamp for hips, shown in the Ahnentafel (certified SV pedigree)
A stamp for elbows also in the Ahnentafel (born after 01/01/2004), starting with the 2008 show season
DNA profiled and registered with the SV
Proof of a minimum quality evaluation of "Good" under an SV judge.
Further conditions
sick dogs must not be shown
The Körmeister must be informed of bitches in season, this determines when that dog will participate.
The dog must be identifiable in regard to a legible tattoo, or more recently microchip.
At the Körung on the day.
Temperament test
Gunsureness test
Protection/courage test
Conduct. i obedience (dog under control off lead prior to attack. ii - attack out of hide. iii -long attack
The appraisal/evaluation i the bite/grip and release ii the appraisal of Triebveranlung, Selbstsicherheit, Belasbarkeit (TSB) drive, self confidence and ability to handle stress.
Measurements and weight recorded.
Stance and movement evaluation and recorded.
The character and temperament of the dog will be assessed throughout the Körung. Overall the dog must show calmness firm nerve, and be amiable throughout the examination.
Gun test
The gun test will be carried out at least 15 steps away from the dog, two shots will be fired from a 6mm starter pistol. The dog must behave indifferently to the sound of the gun.
Courage test
Attack phase commonly known as the short attack, the handler and dog must show controlled off lead heelwork for approximately 30 steps from a hidden helper in a hide. Ideally the off lead heelwork should only be required once, however the dog and handler will be allowed three attempts. Failure for a third time results in failure.
On command of the Kormeister, the helper must exit the hide as if to attack the dog and handler. The dog must respond with sureness and energetically and bite with a full mouthed grip. The helper whist continuing with the `attack` stops and the helper freezes, the `Handler will give an audible out command and the dog must release the bite and continue to guard the helper whilst the handler approaches. If the out command is not obeyed by the dog on a third instruction the dog fails the Korung.
The handler then takes the dog under control to the pre designated point, whereupon under the Körmeisters indication the helper runs towards the handler and dog, with the Körmeister signalling to the handler to release the dog . Again the dog must demonstrate sureness and energy and a bite with full grip. When the helper goes into the neutral position the dog must release. The handler is allowed 3 commands. Dogs that do not out after 3 commands will fail.